With all the travel and photojournalism I've been doing with my school, I have been neglecting this blog and focusing more on my other one (marisagroff.blogspot.com). I thought it was about time to post something to my client blog :) With that being said I'd like to preset to you images of my friend Ben Rothermel. We work together at the Prince Street Cafe and last December he had asked me to take some photos for his album Blue or Green. This album has been quite the journey for Ben and he was finally able to release it this past spring! The music is wonderful and inspiring, I'm so proud of all the work and time he put in to finishing the album. You can check out his indie tunes here at http://www.benrothermel.com/ (as well as on facebook and twitter) ..and if you happen to be in the area make sure to catch one of his shows!